Eat the Flesh, Drink the Blood

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Eat the Flesh, Drink the Blood

Disc 1: The Power of Thanksgiving

In this teaching, Shawn encourages all believers to rightly understand the role of thanksgiving in our lives, and how to activate the supernatural threough thanksgiving. Through that revelation, we can access the breakthroughs that were made readily available to us in the finished work of the cross.

Disc 2: Unveiling Christ in Communion

Intimate encounters are available in and through communion (The Lord's Supper). This teaching dispels the ritualistic mentality that often seeps into live of believers about taking communion. Shawn provides a framework for experiencing the pleasures of Jesus Christ and His Kingdom in the midst of communion.

Disc 3: The Miracle of Transubstantiation

There are many misconceptions in the church with respect to the miracle of transubstantiation. Shawn helps to dispel those misconceptions and shares the true change and power that is manifest in an individual, in our food, or in an object as result of our confession, thanksgiving and declarations. Get ready for a paradigm shift in your thinking and perspective regarding this controversial topic.

Disc 4: Discerning the Body

There is great spiritual significance in valuing and discerning the power of the Lord's body in the midst of communion. In this teaching, Shawn helps unlock the power in understanding why we partake in communion and how we can appropriate and access the breakthroughs we need through what has been made available for us Jesus' broken body on the cross.